Me , HuiNa and Melinda
Baby and me :D
School ends at 12.30pm . Went home straight after school . Prepared everything at 4.45pm and wait for sis to be back home . When she reached home , called up everyone and confirm the time . Meet HuiNa , Jonathan , Xueling and XianEng at Tampines MRT platform . Xueling and Jonathan will be late so meet them at Suntec together with Marcus and Baby . Melinda came up to our train and set off to Suntec together :D Went to find the "HOT POT CULTURE" . Melinda , sister and Xianeng queue for it while Me and HuiNa went to see if there is a cake shop here . Decided to go up YuKiYaki to take a look . Not much people so ask them if they wants to eat YuKi YaKi , they says Okays so all meet at there . Wait for our seats . Actually we will be sitting far away but because there is a empty seats behind Affia and peeps , so we change our seats . Our table was clean and tidy but Affia that table were messy and dirty . They play games and make alot of noise . After eating , off to esplande while HuiNa , Xueling , Jonathan , Baby and me went to buy a cake to surprise them . But we failed to surprise them as we lost our way to esplande . Celebrate at a place which is very special .. Hahas !!!! Take photo and went home . Baby send me home :D Send Esther home first then went home !!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AFFIA AND MELINDA ... HOPE YOU ALL LIKE IT :D
Saturday 10-05-2008
Went for remedial from 8.30am to 1.00pm . Was so tired and fall asleep in the bus , lucky i wake up when it reaches my stop . Was not studying with the class because i have already done what they were doing so i do other things . JiaJian , Xueling and Stamford did not went to the remedial and i was alone :( Went home at 1.10pm . Went to meet Baby . Actually want to go out de , but Xueling Darl went Malaysia to visit her Grandfather so the outing was cancel . Stay at baby house all the way . Baby fall asleep , awhile later i also . Wake up and watch detective Conan and zhou ri ba dian tang . Home Sweet Home at 11.00pm . LOVES MY BABY :D
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