MISS MY BABY ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can we last ????
Wake up at 6.30am.Wash up, prepared and left house at 7.00am. Took bus number 18 to bedok reservoir there de bus-stop.Meet JiaJian there. Assemble and do our pledge taking. Runner are suppose to go to a side to take our number and do some warm-up exercise. After that, we were going to start run le.I did not get top 10 but our team got the first :) After everything jiu went home.Was so tired and our actual plan was to go far east to shop for my clothes.Was tired and actually dont feel like going but end up still went there :) Shirley Dear did not come as Jonathan was tired. Shop around and i bought a dress from Z.I.M.P.L.E. After that we jiu went separate way le.Sister went to woodland to meet xiaomatt, Poh Suan went to meet her friends, JiaJian and her stead went to Katong, Baby and me went to walk around :) Went bugis to shop for my shoes.Bought 1 heels from Charles&Keith.After that jiu went to Baby house.While we are on the bus, Baby talk alot of rubbish which make me laugh like a mad woman.Shall not say out what did he actually say or not he is going to kill me =X Slacked at his house for awhile jiu went downstair to eat.After eating jiu home sweet home le.Have a fun day with my Baby :D LOves him always!!!!
Today 06/02/08
Wake up at 5.00am today.Wash up, bathe and prepared.Left house at 6.10am. Take 168 to Shirley house there de bus-stop. Buy curry puff to eat.Marcus called me and say what he at my house downstair wait for me and tell me the time now is 6.15am ma.I tell him you mad arhx, now already 7.45am liao.Then he say bluff you de lah.Acutally he at MRT station.IDIOT!!!!! Awhile more JiaJian jiu reach liao.Saw Jonathan jiu went to Shirley house downstair wait for her as we are going school together with her :) Nearly late lorr, went to form teacher homeroom. Teachers are suppose to show us slide of Chinese New Year stuffs but our teacher are not free so she left us at her homeroom. We were talking and playing,so fun :) But but but.... Baby did not come school today due to some reason :( Feel so lonely!!!!! Miss him :'( Went hall to watch the performance. OH MY GOD, i can say that the first few performance is boring and make me want to fall asleep le lorr. Zheng Chao performance is great, make us laugh alot :) End school at around 10.00am plus, went to 211 eat and home sweet home.
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